You’ll need a grinder pump if your home or commercial building is at lower elevation than the sewer line. Since you’re at lower elevation, you won’t be able to rely on gravity to carry wastewater through the sewer system.
Instead, our plumbing contractors will recommend a grinder pump to force the wastewater up into the sewer system. If you would like more information about our grinder pump installation service, please contact us today to schedule an appointment with one of our skilled contractors.
Importance of a Grinder Pump
Similar to how garbage disposals work, a sewage grinder pump is able to grind up wastewater from kitchen sinks, washing machines, showers, and toilets. By grinding raw sewage into a slurry, the grinder pump is able to better push it into the sewer system.
A grinder pump has three important elements: a pump, sewage tank, and alarm. Once the wastewater reaches a certain level in the tank, the grinder pump grinds up the raw sewage before pumping it into the sewage system.
Our local plumbers will make sure your sewage grinder pump is installed properly so you have peace of mind. Depending on your property, we may install a sewage grinder pump in the basement or yard.
Our plumbers in Michigan, Indiana, Ohio, and Florida are able to install the right grinder pump to handle your wastewater needs. To request your quote for grinder pump installation, call Whitney Services at (877) 393-2141.